
Energy services portal

EDL stands for EnergieDienstLeistung. The EDL internet portal offers a user-friendly platform for monitoring, operating and managing systems and buildings.

The EDK portal presents itself as a user-friendly tool that enables clear visualization and central control of various types of data, such as energy consumption, alarm messages and documentation. The portal also supports other services such as facilities management and cost monitoring. In other words, the EDL portal is your comprehensive solution for the management of all information relating to one or more properties. 

The EDL portal can be accessed via any conventional Internet browser, which means that it can be used without restriction and from any location, without the need for special software or additional hardware, and the data traffic in the browser is secure thanks to encryption - comparable to the security level of eBanking, including two-factor authentication. We guarantee the highest level of security by operating redundant portal server systems and control centers that are designed in accordance with the latest security standards.

Plant overview

Control all buildings and properties at a glance.

Overview of all buildings including pending faults and master data, also available as a map overview or in a tree view.

Overview of a property

Information about the property

Detailed view of a building including master data and further information such as planned and current maintenance.

Alarms and faults

Overview of alarms (individual building or overall).

  • Acknowledge alarms
  • Historical alarms
  • Alarm statistics (frequencies, distribution over time, etc.)

Ticketing system

Recording of tasks incl. control options
  • Internal and external tickets (contractor, client)
  • Maintenance tickets
  • Log tickets


Recording the work of service technicians

Recording of work incl. workflow up to invoicing.

  • Time recording
  • Material recording
  • Expense recording

Service charge settlement

Automated calculation and output of service charges

Automated creation of (complex) bills, taking into account a wide range of parameters (meter readings, area distribution, distribution keys, national consumer price index, etc.) Export to billing systems. 


Invoice control

Automated release of energy bills

Automated billing control for electricity, gas and district heating. Any tariffs can be mapped. Past and future tariffs can also be managed in the system.


Put together your own screen.

The dashboard can be put together using various widgets.

  • Images
  • Links
  • Energy efficiency
  • Traffic light function
  • Tables and data series (also graphical output)
  • Reports
  • Ticket and monitoring lists