Connection of third-party systems to the EDL portal

The EDL-Box serves as a monitoring interface for technical systems and, with its advanced alarm and energy recording function, offers the possibility of monitoring both internal and external systems and investigating their energy use.

  • Data acquisition device: The EDL-Box acts as a central data acquisition device that records and processes data from various measuring points.
  • Sensors: Sensors are connected to the EDL-Box directly or via an RIO module and continuously provide data on physical and environmental conditions.
  • Measuring transducers: Measuring transducers in the EDL-Box convert the raw signals received from sensors into standardized formats so that they can be processed digitally.
  • Electricity meters: Data from electricity meters can be read out via the EDL box in order to record and analyze energy consumption.
  • Water, gas and oil meters: These supply data to the EDL box to record the consumption of the monitored building.
  • Heat and cold meters: These supply data to the EDL box to record the heat and cold consumption of the monitored building.
  • Temperature measurements: Integrated or connected temperature sensors measure the temperature via the EDL-Box and provide precise data.
  • Humidity sensors: The EDL-Box reads data from humidity sensors to monitor air humidity.
  • Air quality sensors: These sensors measure parameters such as CO2 content and VOCs via the EDL-Box to monitor air quality.
  • Building automation: The EDL-Box can be integrated into building automation systems to optimize and control processes.
  • Energy management: The EDL-Box contributes to energy management by collecting consumption data and making it available for optimizing energy use.
  • Interfaces: Standardized interfaces allow the EDL-Box to communicate seamlessly with various bus systems and devices ( (e.g. Modbus TCP/RTU/ASCII, M-Bus, KNX, OPC UA, IEC, SNMP, ...).
  • Internet of Things (IoT): As an IoT-capable component, the EDL-Box can network devices and make data available via the Internet (MQTT).
  • Data storage: The EDL-Box stores recorded measured values for later analysis and long-term evaluation.
  • Real-time monitoring: The EDL-Box enables monitoring (alarms, faults) of the recorded data in real time for prompt reactions.
  • Remote readout: The data collected in the EDL-Box can be read out and managed remotely via the EDL portal. Alarms can be acknowledged remotely (via cell phone app).
  • Network connection (Ethernet, WLAN, mobile radio): The EDL exclusivity, Matthias We hereby declare the data protection of the A Contact Randy with different network types either via cable (Ethernet) or wireless (WLAN, mobile radio).
  • Software integration: The EDL box is designed to easily integrate with existing software for data evaluation and management.
  • User-friendliness: User-oriented design of the EDL-Box software ensures easy installation and handling. The software is identical to the control system used and requires no additional training.
  • Data security: The EDL-Box includes mechanisms to protect the collected and transmitted data from unauthorized access (encryption, VPN).
  • Adaptability: The EDL-Box is designed for flexible customization so that it can be configured for different deployment scenarios.
  • Scalability: The EDL-Box is designed in such a way that it can be expanded as the measuring range or data acquisition requirements increase.